Source: 2019 Q2 Beartracks
On April 22nd, Bob was landing at Holly Springs, North Carolina (N21) in his Bearhawk LSA. On short final he collided with 60-foot unmarked powerlines. The top line passed just over his head, but struck both wings. He said “that stopped me right in the air,” leaving the airplane with nothing to do but fall straight down, landing hard directly on its nose. The lines were not damaged, but the airplane was severely damaged. Bob estimates the impact shock to be 50-60gs. The crankshaft was broken, and several tubes and the wings are damaged. The first line that he struck was not energized, but there is evidence on the tail of having also contacted an energized line there. Thankfully Bob’s injuries were limited to a badly broken leg and cracked vertebrae. Without a doubt, the airplane’s rugged design served well to protect him from further injury. Both his right tibia and fibula were broken just above the ankle.
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