1998 Control Stick Engineering Notice (376 and Below)

Source: 1998 Beartracks, Bob Barrows

Refer to drawing #26 for plans serial numbers 376 and below.

The T3 control link that works inside of the 1 1/8 X .049 torque tube does not have enough clearance to use standard attach hardware as shown in view B.

Make the link as shown below so that standard hardware can be used at the cable attach locations. A 3/16" steel rivet will be need to be used at the control stick attach point. I made the rivet by cutting a AN23 clevis bolt to the 19/32" length behind the threads.

If you have already made the link you can use the AN3 bolt at the cable end with a thin nut with Loc-Tite and or peen slightly (see photo).

Another solution would be to make the .062 end brackets at an angle such that all the hardware works outside the 1 1/8 x .049 torque tube as shown above. Plans number 376 and up have this arrangement. If you would like a new drawing #26 please send $3 to cover printing & shipping cost.

The Bearhawk I am building now will use the control stick as your plans show with the 3/16" steel rivet joint at the control stick attach point. See photo above.

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